Friday, January 23, 2009
Chinese New Year!

About CNY!
Chinese New Year is also sometimes called as The Lunar New Year especially by people outside China. Chines New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the New Year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th Day o9f the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade. Families will have Reunion Dinners too. To reunite with relatives or family memebers that you have noe seen for a long time!
Traditional Chinese foods eaten and what they signifies:
- Lotus Seed - Signify having many male offspring
- Ginkgo Nut - Represents sliver ingots
- Black Moss Seaweed - Is a homonym for exceeding in wealth
- Dried Bean Curd - Another homonym for fulfillment of wealth and happiness
- Bamboo shoots - A term which sounds like " wishing that everything would be well"
Chinese New Year is coming up soon anyway. Today, as you now, is 23 if January and Chinese New Year is 26 January! It's like 3 days away! It's so fast! I'm not able to tell you much. I'll tell you about My Chinese New Year while celebrating it! Not now of course! But, right now, I wish you all A Happy Chinese New Year!Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi, Da Ji Da Li, Xue Ye Jin Bu! ( Chuckles) If you don't know whta they mean, I'll explain to you! Gong XI Fa Cai means Wiahing You all the best in being wealthy, Wan Shi Ru Yi means wishing everything will go smoothly, Xue Ye Jin Bu means Hope you'll imporve or excel in your studies and for Da Ji Da Li.. I don't really know what it means! :D But you can ask around! Correct me if I'm wrong!
Zai Jian Peng You Men ( chuckles)- Bye My friends!
Xin Nian Kuai Le! :)
( Be ready for my next entry on My New Year!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Drugs! You mad?!

About Drugs!
Drugs! I'm sure you've heard of it!They are very deadly if you take an amount which exceeds what your doctor prescribes! Drugs can ruin your life! It's not a joke, it's totally real! If you take it too much, you'll never stop! And, in the future, you'll totally regret!
Why do people take drugs? How would i know!? I don't take them! So.. I tried going through the net and found some astonishing reasons! At least it's surprising for me, maybe not for you! There are at least 10 reasons that i know about!
- They heard that Marijuana and mushrooms grow naturally, so they must be safe!
- They figured that drugs sold at sores without a prescription is OK.
- They think drugs will help in stress!
- They think drugs will make them feel rebellious or cool.
- They figured it's prescribed by a doctor, so it's OK.
- They're bored and think that drugs will help.
- They heard that Marijuana is legal on some states.
- There are RUMORS that Marijuana has medical benefits
- They think that prescription drugs and steroids will improve their performance and looks!
- People think that drugs will help them fit in!
I know it's mostly talking about Marijuana, but, Marijuana is a DRUG! Take it too much and you'll be addicted! Other types of drugs that is known is cocaine, ice, barbiturates, Ecstasy, Heroin and so on..
You still don't believe drugs are killers?
Man! You're hard to get through! Never mind, I'll tell you the effects of taking drugs! Then I'm sure you mostly likely may change your mind! :)
You'll vomit a lot, feel giddy, when you're out of the drugs you've been taking, you'll get out of control, wanting to ask for more.
So there you have it! Still not convinced, then i can't help you at all! Sorry. But you can find more information on the NET! Stay healthy, stay strong and say NO to drugs! Please write any other thing you can think of about Global Warming and Drugs on the Cbox. I'll add in my blog. Any opinions to improve my blog, I'll accept! Arigato Gonzaimas!
Adios again Amigos!
Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is actually the atmosphere warming of Earth's surface, in other words, Earth is getting hotter and hotter each second!? What causes global warming? Well, greenhouse gases!Look all around you! Cars releasing harmful gases! Smoking! Emission of carbon dioxide from Airplanes! Burning of items in factories , releasing harmful gases once again! All this happens because of us! But.. it doesn't mean that we can give up on Earth, forget about everything and not change it!? So, how about trying to find out ways you can help our government or help yourself to reduce Global Warming before it's too late!
These are the few ways that you can totally do to reduce global warming:
- As you all should know, the simplest thing to do is the 3 Rs! Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
- Use less Heat and Air Conditioning
- Change your light bulb to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
- Obviously, all should know that you should drive your own car less, take public transport!
- Buy energy efficient products, (eg. like i previously said, use CFL bulbs.)
- Turn off lights when you leave your/a room.
- I totally encourage everyone to ride Bicycles! Because it doesn't emit greenhouse gases and we don't need fuel to power it! :D ( i seriously love this idea )
- Plant more trees! :
- Encourage others to conserve
Now, here are the things the GOVERNMENT can do:
- Stop deforestation. Trees helps to take in CO2, thus reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. By cutting down trees, no CO2 will be taken in and the amount of CO2 in the air will increase, thus, contributing to GLOBAL WARMING!
- Plant more trees!
- Increase the number if public transport
- Built windmills, it doesn't need to be built on Singapore, since there's not much of space. Building it in other countries will help to reduce global warming at a very small percentage, but it helps!
- Have more solar panels on buildings!
All of the above things that i said the government can do may cost a whole lot of money, but if they can help the world then we should take action! If not all those plans about saving Earth is just words that means nothing! :(
Also, i should say that the government should let people have their free will to speak out! And that we can write to the Environmental Society so that they can do something after hearing about what we think can reduce Global Warming! I;'m not really sure whether people are willing to do things like this! But, my new year resolution this year, is to help out in reducing in Global Warming! ;) Look at the slides if pictures i have! Aren't they beautiful? So, if you want to keep them, stop GLOBAL WARMING! Join me people! :D
I want to invite people who sees my blog and thought of an idea to reduce Global Warming to write your ideas in the Chatbox! And I'll post it on my blog! And i thank you so much if you do! Because you are a part of my ' Saving The Earth''s so called project! When people sees what you suggest, they may put them into action! :D
Well, I'm done for today! I hope you enjoy reading this! Please, i invite you to read!
Adios Amigos! :)
10:19 PM