Friday, January 16, 2009
Drugs! You mad?!

About Drugs!
Drugs! I'm sure you've heard of it!They are very deadly if you take an amount which exceeds what your doctor prescribes! Drugs can ruin your life! It's not a joke, it's totally real! If you take it too much, you'll never stop! And, in the future, you'll totally regret!
Why do people take drugs? How would i know!? I don't take them! So.. I tried going through the net and found some astonishing reasons! At least it's surprising for me, maybe not for you! There are at least 10 reasons that i know about!
- They heard that Marijuana and mushrooms grow naturally, so they must be safe!
- They figured that drugs sold at sores without a prescription is OK.
- They think drugs will help in stress!
- They think drugs will make them feel rebellious or cool.
- They figured it's prescribed by a doctor, so it's OK.
- They're bored and think that drugs will help.
- They heard that Marijuana is legal on some states.
- There are RUMORS that Marijuana has medical benefits
- They think that prescription drugs and steroids will improve their performance and looks!
- People think that drugs will help them fit in!
I know it's mostly talking about Marijuana, but, Marijuana is a DRUG! Take it too much and you'll be addicted! Other types of drugs that is known is cocaine, ice, barbiturates, Ecstasy, Heroin and so on..
You still don't believe drugs are killers?
Man! You're hard to get through! Never mind, I'll tell you the effects of taking drugs! Then I'm sure you mostly likely may change your mind! :)
You'll vomit a lot, feel giddy, when you're out of the drugs you've been taking, you'll get out of control, wanting to ask for more.
So there you have it! Still not convinced, then i can't help you at all! Sorry. But you can find more information on the NET! Stay healthy, stay strong and say NO to drugs! Please write any other thing you can think of about Global Warming and Drugs on the Cbox. I'll add in my blog. Any opinions to improve my blog, I'll accept! Arigato Gonzaimas!
Adios again Amigos!
12:27 AM