Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finishing Strong...

After watching a very touching video named Finish Strong, I have learnt some values from it...

I taught me to work hard for your dreams and achieve it, but first you have to have a dream, if not there's nothing to push you forward. Next, I have learnt that there are people who are less fortunate then us and that we shouldn't complain on what we have now and today.

The people featured in the video finished strong all because they have a goal, a dream, which they are dying to achieve. They don't look at themselves as disabled, stupid or retarded! They know that if they try harder, they could be just like us. They are the type of people we should all look up to! Because moving on and staying strong, keeps us alive! ;)

Albert Einstein for one, he really could not speak very well until the age of three, he had a very difficult time doing maths in school and it's hard for him to express himself through writing. But in the end, you can see, he have become a famous scientist ever!

Christoper Reeves is another one, became crippled after a horse-riding injury. He wants to be up on his feet & wants to help others stand confident too no matter what happens to them. His life is now dedicated to harnessing the power of medical research to get up and ride again.

Thomas Edison for another had a learning disability. He couldn't read until he was 12 and had a very difficult time writing even when he was older.

Helen Keller was another ! She was BLIND, DEAF and MUTE! She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities amid numerous other causes.

Robin Williams as a famous Hollywood star, suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a child. He never refuses a role related to medicine.

Tom Cruise, surprisingly is severely dyslexic! I didn't know that!

Stephen Hawkings is my FAVORITE! He's a mathematician that has Lou Gehrigs Disease and is in a wheelchair. He needs a computer to speak! He's still my best! ;)

So now knowing all those people as mentioned above, have problems but are doing well, we must learn that we are lucky to be healthy, without diseases and problems like them and that we shouldn't be complacent on what we have now. It's not going to o any good to anyone! So, everyone, have problems or not, FINISH STRONG!

Adios Amigos! ;)

What a Wonderful World! flew @
6:35 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009


What is a haiku?
Well, a haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 Japanese word, in 3 metrical phrases with the number of 5 syllables for the first line, 7 syllables for the second line and 5 syllables for the third line!It does not have to rhyme, as long as you follow the fact that there's limited syllables for each lines.

Samples of Haikus!

There but never seen
Wind... you're whistling and howling
Who are you calling?

City streets shining
Greenery glistening in
The clean city park...

The horses run freely
No harness.. No reins.. Away
Can i join the fun?

My lizard's flicking
Tongue is liking across
the stormy sky

Jewel lying in the stones
Sits under the rushing the stream
waits to be discovered

Someone is laughing
Everyone still crying
Shut off the racket!

Swimming in the sea
floating amongst the white clouds
the ship sails off

The stars dance above
In the night air, the heavens
Yet unmapped by man...

Fiery red, suns fall
The day is slipping away
The death of the light..

My own Haiku!

You've been with me long
Without a friend, I am NOTHING
So lets stay closer!

So thats so far all i know about Haikus! Go ahead! Make your own, and put it in your blog!
Signing off!
Cheers! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

What a Wonderful World! flew @
3:32 AM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Chinese New Year

Hi everyone. I hoped you enjoyed your Chinese New Year because i enjoyed mine! I have, sadly, a lot of weight. Pitiful, after losing them during Netball, i gained them! It must have happened to you too. Exercise regularly, because, usually after a lot of celebrations, people tend to get sick. Anyway, during my chinese new year, my family and i hosted a party at our house. And because I'm not a Singaporean and but we have Singaporean friends too, we will have to host 2 parties for CNY. The first celebration was for people like my race. We met up with long lost friends, aunties and uncles, and their children! We had a lot of fun. And received a lot of oranges and gifts on that day too. And, we also got ANG BAOS! ( chuckles) Which is also known as red packets! ;) Red packets are said to be ' the money used to suppress or put down the evil spirits ' during this time of year. You only can get ang baos from married couples. So don't ask from your aunt or uncle if they're not married!:D The second party will be next week only, so i don't know what will happen. Surprises, surprises, surprise, we want them!

I haven't got to eat Yusheng yet. I did last year, it tasted awesome, so I'm craving for it! Yahoo! I'm sure you know that there's a need to bring oranges to houses where you visit for the host. But... Do you know why? I'll tell you why. Mandarin orange in Chinese pinyin is jīn júzi, in English, it means golden tangerine/orange. Also, the name "jīn jí" is a homophone of "golden luck" or "gold and fortune". So, it's very important to bring oranges to your host, to give them luck. :)

As you should also know that you are supposed to have something NEW for NEW year right? So, it's the time to buy stuffs for a whole new you! And, please be reminded to not clean you house during this festive season. According to my mum, cleaning out your houses during this festive season means cleaning away all the good luck, which, I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen. Today, when my aunt and me was cleaning the storeroom, my mother sort of scolded us when we did and explained why. So, I'm just telling you what she told me. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's just for telling sake! ^^

So for right now, i wish you A Happy Chinese New Year like i did last time. I hope you enjoy the festive season! Gong Xi Fa Cai! ;)

What a Wonderful World! flew @
1:05 AM


I want Pets, my own personal Laptop, an Ipod, a bicycle, learn how to play guitar and HAVE my own guitar! :) Cheers!

Su Wai

Name: Nyein Su Wai Gender: 14 DOB: Too bad! Can't tell! :P School: Yishun Secondary!


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